Check out loads of hot naked videos & pictures captured of the young athletic guy Gbenga Akinnagbe. Gbenga is currently from the USA actor, best who is known for for his role as Chris Partlow on the HBO original series The Wire. Gbenga posesses an astonishing large cock in a selection of pictures! He played Yinka on Barbershop: The Series and also Ben Ellis in the episode Contenders on the TV Series Numb3rs. One of these videos portrays Gbenga getting undressed and you can see his hard cock. As of 2009, Gbenga had begun a writing career, having had 2 articles published in the New York Times, one detailing a trip to Nepal to climb the Himalayas, and also the other outlining the medical procedures he underwent to correct his severely flat feet. Wait till you see the photo gallery showing the naked vids.
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