Robert Pattinson naked in new film Bel Ami

robert pattinson naked new filmWe are very excited to hear that Robert Pattinson is going to be stripping off for his new movie ‘Bel Ami’. Hunky Robert has often joked about getting naked in a film but we never thought for one minute that this would actually come true! Some inside gossip from the film has told that it won’t only be his bum on view but also his lovely big penis – we cannot wait!

There are going to be plenty of sex scenes with Natalia Tena. What a lucky girl she is! However, we are mainly looking forward to the scene where Robert Pattinson emerges from the shower and dries off his long thick cock. The bulge in the photo to the left gives you a taste of what you will see! Bring it on!!

Bel Ami is a story about a guys rise to power. It is based in the French capitcal of Paris. In it Robert gains power through manipulating the city’s most influential and wealthy women. But who couldn’t resist being manipulated by this hunky stud?!

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